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파트너 | Adobe


Supercharge your AEM Instance with Multilingual Powers

Translations.com’s GlobalLink Connect for Adobe Experience Manager provides users with a powerful solution to initiate, automate, control, track, and complete all facets of the translation process. The combination of AEM’s robust functionality and Project Director’s extended localization workflow capabilities gives Adobe customers a comprehensive platform to manage enterprise content for markets around the globe.

원활한 통합

Process Flexibility

번역 메모리 통합

Effortless Deployment

Rapid Return on Investment


원활한 통합

Business users can initiate translation workflows through GlobalLink without having to leave the AEM user interface. Content can also be automatically routed for translation via workflow integration.


Process Flexibility

GlobalLink Project Director integrates directly with AEM workflows via web services, allowing content to automatically pass from source-language development to translation providers using customizable business rules. Content can be routed from source-language repository locations into a translation workflow, and then automatically returned to a designated target language repository with no manual effort on the client side.


Translations Memory Integration

The integration of GlobalLink Project Director with GlobalLink TM Server enables AEM users to realize the benefits of translation memory (TM) on all of their projects. Translation memory is a tool that stores previously translated content, allowing clients to reuse content where appropriate. This integration provides AEM users with maximum cost savings and flexibility, since source-language content is automatically routed out into a translation workflow and pre-processed against a server-based TM, which pre-populates projects with 100% match content before the project is submitted for localization. AEM users can also request multiple estimates, receive instant price quotes, and have complete visibility into translation memory leveraging statistics via the GlobalLink Project Director dashboard.


Effortless Deployment

The integration of GlobalLink Project Director with AEM has a minimal impact on your IT environment and staff. No dedicated hardware or IT personnel are required, and Translations.com will provide world-class technical support and installation services to meet all your global needs.


Rapid Return on Investment

GlobalLink Project Director provides immediate relief to IT departments and business users overburdened by the complex demands of supporting manual initiation and control of multilingual content workflows. The integrated solution also provides better visibility into the localization process for budgetary analysis.




핵심 기능


Adobe Experience Manager Integration
  • Seamless integration with AEM workflows via web services
  • Browse and select content manually in the AEM user interface
  • Automatically initiate translation projects through AEM workflows
  • Export content from AEM with no manual conversion or IT dependencies
  • Translated content automatically imported back into source language repositories within AEM environment
  • Automated email notifications from GlobalLink Project Director to AEM users regarding project milestones or status changes
  • Easily create custom processes for different file formats
  • Build business user or vendor-specific workflows
번역 메모리 통합
  • Pre-process content against translation memory
  • Automatically populate files with 100% match content
  • Create .TXML, .XLIFF, and .TTX formats
  • Reduce translation cost and turnaround time
  • Maximize content consistency
Vendor Management
  • Support a multi-vendor approach for localization
  • Store rate and turnaround time metric
  • Create workflows for internal resources
Project Tracking
  • Real-time status updates on all projects
  • View delivery schedules and track performance
Automate File Parsing
  • Automatically extract content from virtually any file format
  • Prepare content segments for translation with no manual effort
Advanced Reporting
  • Track spend and TM leveraging statistics
  • Configure reports by user, organization, or vendor